Zombie Pit - GrandmasterJ
Zombie Pit is one of those maps where the name really says it all. Maybe the name left out the lava and the fact that there is a teleporter out of the pit but that's about all that the name leaves out. SCMapDB page Author: Keen Date of final release: 2000 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Zombie Pit (originally posted on SCMapDB) by GrandmasterJ | May 14, 2022 | 1263 characters Zombie pit is a very small map where players start above a pit that does not have zombies until a player jumps down. I don't know if the zombies spawn endlessly from that point on, or if the zombies spawn every time a player jumps down. There is lava in the pit that zombies and headcrabs can fall into and then players can't really see them or go down in there so the monsters just sit in the lava preventing more zombies from spawning in. I think they zombies do respawn when a player jumps down because they respawned right when my teammate jumped down after me. In the pit the...