Ayakashi Banquet - Dunkelschwamm
Ayakashi is the collective name for Yokai (the Japanese term for supernatural beings) that appear over bodies of water. There isn't any water in this map but there are plenty of Yokai with custom models to shoot with fancy new gun models. SCMapDB page Author: nekomata, GAMESABA Date of final release: 2007 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Ayakashi Banquet (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | September 4, 2022 | 3662 characters Ayakashi Banquet is a megamonster style map for Sven Co-op with lots of (I'm presuming comical) cutscenes inbetween. I cannot judge the cutscenes as I do not speak Japanese, the language they are written in, but I can speak to the gameplay and presentation. I'm going to talk about presentation first. The map's a real mixed bag: it has some really fun enemy models and weapon models. There are zombies with the skeleton model from They Hunger, there's an anime chick assassin boss, and cat hounde...