Space Viking 2 - Dunkelschwamm
Space Viking 2 is the classic sequel to the classic map Space Viking 1. While the first map takes place in space a majority of the time this one takes us to a space port, filled with scum and villainy. SCMapDB page Author: Salamander Date of final release: 2006 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Space Viking 2 (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | December 12, 2021 | 7549 characters Space Viking 2 is a very adequate, I would even say great, sequel to Space Viking 1 which takes the idea of the original map in new and interesting directions. By exploring a new planet, new and interesting areas of the original ship, and introducing setpieces which wow the player to extremes to which the original had not, Space Viking 2 really forges an identity for itself apart from its predecessor. I'll get to the many ways in which I think this map is an extraordinary accomplishment in Sven Co-op, or even Goldsrc in genera...