Bunker - Dunkelschwamm
A fairly standard horde map, Bunker features a bunker from which players and allies can shoot out a the swarms in relative safety. For some reason weapons are outside the bunker forcing players to brave the ocean of enemies outside. SCMapDB page Author: Halgmor Date of release: 2012 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Bunker (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 12, 2023 | 2266 characters Bunker is a defense horde map which features a couple fun toys to keep players entertained. The main setup is a bunker surrounded by open desert which enemy grunts/robogrunts endlessly spawn into. Within the bunker are some friendly grunts and the aforementioned toys. Across from the bunker is a big room full of weapons with a funny secret shooting range. The toys are a button which opens and closes the bunker door- great for when you want to invite grenades and bullets into your and your team...