Bunker - Dunkelschwamm


    A fairly standard horde map, Bunker features a bunker from which players and allies can shoot out a the swarms in relative safety. For some reason weapons are outside the bunker forcing players to brave the ocean of enemies outside.

SCMapDB page

Author: Halgmor

Date of release: 2012

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Bunker

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | June 12, 2023 | 2266 characters

    Bunker is a defense horde map which features a couple fun toys to keep players entertained.

    The main setup is a bunker surrounded by open desert which enemy grunts/robogrunts endlessly spawn into. Within the bunker are some friendly grunts and the aforementioned toys. Across from the bunker is a big room full of weapons with a funny secret shooting range.

    The toys are a button which opens and closes the bunker door- great for when you want to invite grenades and bullets into your and your teammates' much shortened lives. There's a couple mounted guns which are great for turning the endless seas of enemies into endless seas of gibs. There's some mortars on the roof which explode enemies around the battlefield, which was one of my favorite bits. There's also a really neat reinforcements button which calls in an antigrav vehicle which drops off helpless grunts to be slaughtered by the endless swarm.

    When those toys start to bore you (roughly 3 minutes) you can head into the room behind the spawn to grab a ton of weapons and just camp enemies from within there, healing your teammates when stray bullets shave your health down. Carting the weapons to the bunker is a huge risk, as the landscape between is going to be swamped with hitscanners, so camping this area is the best approach.

    The bunker itself looks pretty good, but the rest is blocky and weird and unnatural, with no love given to aesthetic. The bunker itself is mostly function over form, but it comes together well and looks pretty nice from the front- an angle the players will almost assuredly never see it from.

    Overall, I found this a pretty tedious endless horde map. You might get 5-10 minutes of genuine fun out of this, but after that you're bringing your own joy.


  • Really liked the mortars
  • The mounted guns were a good touch
  • The big stash of weapons were a good touch
  • The bunker itself looks pretty nice
  • The reinforcements were cool to look at


  • Tedious combat
  • Bad looking map
  • The reinforcements were useless
  • Very little of interest
Score: 5.2 / 10


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