Chubby Mess - Dunkelschwamm
Fight tons of chumtoads in this very short map. Watch fun cutscenes where scientists mess up (who could have seen that coming!), fight a bunch of chumtoads, kill a boss, and celebrate victory. SCMapDB page Author: the-middleman Date of release: 2014 Maps in package: 2 (includes another map we didn't play or review) Map review of Chubby Mess (originally posted on SCMapDB) by GrandmasterJ | July 23, 2023 | 1077 characters Chubby Mess is a real short map that certainly had a vision. There's an opening cutscene that very naturally (if a little drawn-out) explains the situation: science did what science shouldn't, mixing big and many and chumtoads. The result is a chubby mess. There are three phases to the map: first run from masses of snarks (chubbies) spawning in huge casecading numbers, then run back the way you came to destroy the mother chubby with explosives. The third part comes before both: the aforementioned very lon...