
Showing posts with the label Andreas Bauer

Between Two Worlds - Dunkelschwamm

      Between Two Worlds is a Half-Life 1 mod that, as best I can tell, was released in 1999. What we have on the Sven Co-op map database is the first three levels just dropped right into the map folder with zero work done on converting it to actually work. It's playable at the very least. SCMapDB page Author:Andreas Bauer Date of release:1999 Maps in package: 3 Map review of Between Two Worlds (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | February 16, 2023 | 5175 characters      Between Two Worlds is a Half-Life modification by Andreas "Widowmaker" Bauer. You can learn more about it here:      Hosted here on Sven Co-op Map Database is the first three maps of this 9 map mod. It's odd that the rest of the maps aren't included, as my buddy and I threw the last 6 maps into Sven Co-op and they worked about as well as these maps do- which is to say they're abrupt, poorly ...

Between Two Worlds - GrandmasterJ

      Between Two Worlds is a Half-Life 1 mod that, as best I can tell, was released in 1999. What we have on the Sven Co-op map database is the first three levels just dropped right into the map folder with zero work done on converting it to actually work. It's playable at the very least. SCMapDB page Author:Andreas Bauer Date of release:1999 Maps in package: 3 Map review of Between Two Worlds (originally posted on SCMapDB) by GrandmasterJ | February 16, 2023 | 4758 characters      From what I can gather, this is an unfinished mod for Half-Life that got dropped into Sven Co-op wholesale with zero modification to adjust it for cooperative multiplayer. What we get off the map database is the first three maps of a mod that really isn't all that good.      We start off in a glass dome with a scientist walking over to a button. He presses the button and I guess that button just sets off resonance cascades because that's what happened. ...