Camp - Dunkelschwamm
This map is less of a fun vacation in the wilderness and more of a flat plane where players fight a bunch of enemies. It's short and straightforward with some interior areas later. SCMapDB page Author: Jose Fung Date of release: 2007 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Camp (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 19, 2023 | 3986 characters Camp is a walkthrough action map which pits players against HECU while fighting their way from the surface into a science lab to sabotage a big red laser machine. Along the way, things get fucky and players must shoot aliens as well. Two things struck me almost immediately about this map. First: it's pretty ugly. The outdoor area is big and flat and features a draw distance that many important details (including an enemy apache) hide behind. Indoor areas are better, but only by virtue of cubes of equal quality to that outdoor area more effectively convey indoor areas. Later...