Backattack - Dunkelschwamm
Just another average Black Mesa themed walkthrough map. Backattack is a small collection of Black Mesa themed areas with some heavy combat sprinkled around. SCMapDB page Author: Sust Date of final release: 2004 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Backattack (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | September 10, 2022 | 2139 characters BackAttack is an action map featuring lots of spawning enemies and some weapons in some interesting environments which mostly encourage players to spawn at doors and floor firepower into the next room before proceeding forward. First players are tasked with clearing out a hallway to a garage, a vent from there to a beautiful room which respawns grenades as you fight a helipad full of soldiers, then aliens, then aliens and soldiers. Then you crawl into the next area where you fight a room full of soldiers and another room with soldiers and aliens and then an outdoor area full of soldiers and ...