Hellmouth - Dunkelschwamm
Hellmouth is a map that takes place in Hell! Players must defend a statue at the mouth of Hell before venturing in and killing a bunch of monsters. SCMapDB page Author: Ike Brovlofski Date of final release: 2005 Maps in package: 2 Map review of Hellmouth (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | January 22, 2022 | 4392 characters Hellmouth is a 2-part map series. The players take on the role of angels sent to battle back the forces of Hell from a great big portal. The portal is a fun effect: multiple transparent brushes in front of one another, making an optical illusion. The first map is a defense/horde mode. Apparently the monsters are supposed to target the Chumtoad statue in the middle of the defense area, but they don't (anymore?). In my estimation, this is for the best, as I do not want to spend this map defending against the updated and boosted Sven Co-op 5 enemies while they can attack a helpless tar...