Only Fun - GrandmasterJ


    Only Fun contains zombies and a Big Momma and has little, if any, fun. The spawn points are also placed poorly causing players to die on spawn quite a lot.

SCMapDB page

Author: Robootto

Date of final release: 2003

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Only Fun

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | April 23, 2022 | 2002 characters

    Only Fun promises much, but delivers little.

    There are three spawn areas in the map. At first my teammate and I both spawned in the top one, there was no indication on how to get out so we ran around hitting everything with our crowbars. Eventually the floor gave out and we fell to the level below, which happens to be where our second spawn point was. Here was a doorway to a green room with many headcrab zombies and a gonarch. The only weapons in the level are at the third spawn point, which is far above the elevator past a twisting passageway full of passive Barneys. The end of this hallway terminates at the top of the room the other two spawn points are in, jumping down will kill you. Luckily this spawn point allows players access to trip mines and the tau cannon, the latter of which is how we got down the the floor below, tau jumping.

    The fight with the gonarch was a pain. I placed some trip mines down early and wiped out 95% of the zombies but the gonarch kept coming. My teammate spawned inside the gonarch and died instantly three times in a row. I spawned way up in the air at the first spawn a couple times ina row and died on impact. The spawn area is awful.

    The map is short and is pretty bad. The spawn points are bad, they cut players off from resources, kill players on spawn, and generally don't help play at all. The enemies are presented in the form of a clump and killing them doesn't do anything. The map is boring and pointless with a side of malicious intent by the author.


  • I thought using the tau cannon to soften a player's landing was a pretty cool puzzle solution


  • spawn points get the players killed
  • weapons are only at one spawn point and are not accessible if you spawn elsewhere
  • combat is boring and uninventive

Score: 1 / 10


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