Chenbox - Dunkelschwamm


    Kozmic Chenbox is a small box with piles of crowbars (reskinned to be katanas) and PVP. Large pictures of an anime catgirl line the walls and there is some music as well.


Author: Gruntzz

Date of final release: 2022

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Kozmic Chenbox

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | May 8, 2022 | 3687 characters

    Kozmic is, as I understand, the first map of 2022. Mazel tov.

    Kozmic is a silly little box map with images (some animated, with notable quality and fluidity) from an anime that I am simply not familiar with. I admit, I am not the target audience for this map. I invite anybody who is more familiar with the anime to question my credentials regarding this map. However, I think if these were images of characters I AM familiar with, in similar contexts, I wouldn't regard this map much differently. Again, I invite anybody to question my credentials, as I probably do not relate to the media I enjoy in the same way many fans of this anime I am unfamiliar with do, so that may be an improper comparison. But, with that out of the way, just trust that I'm doing my best and temper your expectations of my review with this disclaimer in mind.

    So, the map, for the most part, is a box map with this small collection of images. An aesthetic is attempted, I would say more earnestly than lazily- but certainly simply. For the most part, the images hang in the air in simple frames. Unfortunately, there seems to be an error where walking near the images makes them disappear. The rest of the area is a green grass park in the open air with large carpets lain out in the grass. The grass ends abruptly at skybox, creating that surreal suspended platform aesthetic that only a natural floor brush ending abruptly in skybox can. The skybox itself is pretty lovely. Overall, I think the aesthetic is nice, but obviously doesn't attempt to distract from the images. However, the images themselves are pretty simple and there's only a few of them. There's not a lot of information to take in.

    The map accounts for the lack of content by having a relatively short time limit. Players play a sort of game of four-team dodge ball, only instead of dodge balls it's crowbars, and instead of crowbars it's blades. Players can throw these blades at eachother or rush and whack eachother to death for amusement. The timer lowers and the map eventually ends. Everybody laughs at having played this short game of throwing deadly weapons at one another. As far as the little four-team PVP crowbar toss game goes, I think this map works fine and is even well scaled for balanced gameplay.

    Frankly, it's over so quickly it hardly matters. I feel like this is made to be a tiny excursion between maps in a server rotation, and in that way I think it works pretty good. It's one of those maps that'll make a server rotation feel like a Mario Party Minigame cycle, and I think that's a good thing. I can't really comment on the anime images as that's not really my thing, but if you like that sort of thing and wouldn't mind it being on your server I think an excursion for players to throw crowbars at their fellow player a lighthearted environment is nothing but a positive, especially for how short it ultimately ends up being. If you're just looking for something to play with your pals, this isn't very substantial.


  • It knows it won't hold attention for long
  • If you like this anime you'll probably like the images
  • The aesthetic is pleasant
  • Throwing crowbars at other players is always a crowd pleaser
  • I think the four team setup is actually really fun


  • It's so short it feels like a nothing
  • Its focus on this anime character makes it extremely niche
  • I don't want to say this map is lazily constructed, but it's certainly the least it could be to not feel lazy

Score: 7 / 10


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