Only Fun - Dunkelschwamm


    Only Fun contains zombies and a Big Momma and has little, if any, fun. The spawn points are also placed poorly causing players to die on spawn quite a lot.

SCMapDB page

Author: Robootto

Date of final release: 2003

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Only Fun

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | April 23, 2022 | 2011 characters

    Only Fun is a quintessentially Robootto Robootto map. It hits all of the hallmarks: it's not fun, when you realize what the gimmick is you question whether Robootto legitimately hates the players, it's painfully ugly to look at, and the overall feeling when you're done is that you have wasted your precious time which can never ever be returned.

    Players begin in a chamber which connects to a winding same-textured corridor maze full of Barneys. At the opposite end of this corridor is the secondary spawnpoint, which supplies players with tripmines and a gauss rifle. Back at the other chamber, breaking the floor drops the players a fatal distance into a peanut-shaped arena with a gonarch and a handful of zombies. Attacking the gonarch from above is difficult because it's the gonarch, so the best way to reach the battlefield from the secondary spawn is to walk down the winding corridor with the gauss gun and then redirect with a secondary fire blast to stabilize the landing and keep everybody on their feet instead of dead. Once the battle is over, though, nothing changes.

    Once the ground breaks to reveal the fight, however, players still spawn in that chamber at that height. There seems to be a much higher bias toward spawning in that chamber than in the tripmine/gauss gun room, because we probably respawned into an instant death fall every 4 times for each 2 times in the armory room.

    The map's textures are haphazardly slapped with no thought upon blocky nothing geometry. It's boring despite the lights brightly strobing in gauche colors at you.

    I don't recommend it.


  • There are weapons that can be used for fighting and mobility


  • Ugly
  • Boring
  • Frustrating
  • Sloppy
  • The gonarch battle, the only thing the map has, is hidden behind an unclear destructible.

Score: 0.1 / 10


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