
Showing posts with the label Dunkelschwamm

Chillplace v1337 - Dunkelschwamm

       Hang out and wait in a lobby and amuse yourself with a giant sound system with lots of different music. This map is meant to be a waiting room so there isn't much else to do here. SCMapDB page Author: Sence Date of release: 2019 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Chillplace v1337 (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | July 6, 2023 | 2054 characters      Chillplace v1337 is a reconfiguration of the ideas in Chillplace v2 for a more streamlined presentation. Gone is the island with the tiny buttons on a boombox, and here now is the day of a bizarre structure which controls music, and beautiful mountain scenery. Some nicely utilized models for mountains give the impression of displacement.      For those unaware, Chillplace is a hangout map where players can vibe to music. Kinda like a virtual club. To that end, I think Chillplace offers a decently sized venue with enough of a fun vibe to hang out with friends. I also think the invisible walls make moving around a litt

Chillplace v2 - Dunkelschwamm

      The only interactive feature of this map seems to be a big boombox that plays many sounds. The rest of the map is a tiny room that looks very interesting, the map is a lobby so there isn't all that much to do. SCMapDB page Author: Sence Date of release: 2013 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Chillplace v2 (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | July 2, 2023 | 1924 characters      Chillplace V2! If there's a Chillplace V1, I don't know about it!      This map is a chill lobby area with an island of blue grass and a big mystical tree with light shining from within. There's a lot of fun effects on display, like liberal use of sprites to create fun glowing particles and flowers, or additive gradient brushes to create the light burst from within the tree. There's a custom model of a horrible, unchill mothman with a gaping lower jaw laying beneath the tree, likely dreaming of mercifully departing its hideous existence. A stereo plays lots of funky tunes!   

Choose Campaign - Dunkelschwamm

       Lobby maps are for players to pick their next map. The Single Player Campaign Portal map is a really well done example and its mere existence pretty much makes this map obsolete. SCMapDB page Author: Unknown Date of release: 2017 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Choose Campaign (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | July 7, 2023 | 1824 characters      Choose Campaign! Two lobby maps wherein players vote for a map to play.      choose_campaign_2 is a simple functional hub wherein players can stand in lots to vote for which specific map from the three main campaigns the players want. Voting lasts for roughly 2 minutes, after which point whichever map has the most votes wins. The server will then switch to that map.      choose_campaign_4a is a far more interesting map, though it gives players far less finesse in which map they wish to vote for. There are instead lots for voting for Half-Life, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Uplink, Half-Life

Chopper Ride - Dunkelschwamm

       Ride on a helicopter, sans Wagner, and shoot down at the enemies below. Occasionally enemy helicopters will appear but there is a rocket launcher on the map so they go down easy. SCMapDB page Author: Unknown Date of release: 2002 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Chopper Ride (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | July 2, 2023 | 1898 characters      The Chopper Ride is a nonstop action map starring a brush helicopter and a donut of desert around a mountain full of respawning HECU. If that sounds awesome to you, you're in for a treat.      I think the Chopper Ride is truly made for people who like Michael Bay movies and want to play that feeling. Grab a bunch of weapons, ride around on an invincible helicopter raining hell down on, uh, enemy combatants forever. One part of the desert donut has a respawning apache so your helicopter can fight another helicopter like a mirror fight. There's not very much to it, outside of the handful of weapons (underbarrel grenad

Castlevania - Dunkelschwamm

       What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk… Have at you! Explore Dracula's castle, which in this case means a smattering of respawning enemies and long walks through them. SCMapDB page Author: Gadabout Date of release: 2016 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Castlevania (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | July 2, 2023 | 4169 characters      Castlevania is a non-linear walkthrough action map for Sven Co-op which aims to recreate the feeling of a Castlevania game. The map is divided up into 6 sections: The introduction area, the hub, the underground, the chapel, the clock tower, and Dracula's arena. Aside from the hub and final arena, each section comprises of a collection of challenges and a boss.      These challenges take two primary flavors: platforming puzzles, and combat. Platforming puzzles in this map range from fair to tedious. Much of it revolves around barnacle grappling, which also means if one player reaches the end of a par

Chess - Dunkelschwamm

       What else is there to say? We can now play chess in a Sven Co-op map. Of course the rules are not enforced so it's mostly anarchy. But still, pretty cool stuff! SCMapDB page Author: Streamfox Date of release: 2015 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Chess (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | July 1, 2023 | 2656 characters      This is a map which facilitates the honorable playing of chess in Sven Co-op. I say honorable, because this really allows for wild-west antics if your players don't adhere to the rules of chess.      There's a giant chess board, controls for each player, and controls for the game in general. There's also some screens which players can cycle through to review the rules of chess, in case they don't know how to play. Which it's a very novel concept, I don't recommend learning chess by playing it in this map.      Players press a button to join the game, which did something I'm sure. Walking onto the red carpet area un

Chill Ride - Dunkelschwamm

       Ride off into the perpetual sunset with some chill tunes. There is no time limit, no objectives, no secrets, or any goals other than chilling out.  SCMapDB page Author: Gruntzz Date of release: 2022 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Chill Ride (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | July 1, 2023 | 2198 characters      Chill Ride is what it says on the tin: a chill track, some rides, and a track to ride them upon with great chill.      There's not much to say about this map so I'll make it brief: there's a track with very little detail on it, and cars that are very simple in shape. But those aren't what matters. No, the beauty of the map is in the chill beat, the funky skybox (which is very funky, btw), the fun way the cars just bumpercars around if they crash, and the chill shape of the track which lends to relaxed cruising.      Upon deciding we had seen most of what the map has to offer, we experimented. Jousting in the cars is a ton of fun. I'm no

Cemetery - Dunkelschwamm

       Here is another horde map, this one taking place in the eponymous cemetery with the stated goal of grinding experience for XP mod. The map certainly does feel like a grind. SCMapDB page Author: GForce Date of release: 2010 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Cemetery (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | July 1, 2023 | 1507 characters      Cemetary is a charming little map of a spooky cemetery wherein infinite zombies spawn, which players may shotgun to their hearts' content. There's a house you can enter (which you spawn in), a church you can enter, and a house you cannot enter which tells you the credits (shoutouts to GForce). There's a really fun upper area of the cemetery with a bridge that connects them, which breaks up the field.      It's a fairly short map, but it's got enough fun details to really complete the atmosphere of a spooky cemetery. Just enough. I like the touches like a shovel in a mound of dirt, and the statues, or the revolver y

Carnival 2 - Dunkelschwamm

       We have another Carnival map, but I don't think this one is a sequel as the author is unknown. It has some fun rides that work well when they aren't killing players. Beware spawning in the ceiling. SCMapDB page Author: Unknown Date of release: 2002 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Carnival 2 (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 26, 2023 | 2948 characters      Carnival 2 is a map apparently by an unknown author. I guess that means it's not an official, canonical sequel to Carnival by Kune. This map works a bit as a spiritual successor, in that it follows a similar premise. However, this time around the map functions purely as a hangout map and not as a walkthrough action map.      The rides are front-and-center on this map. Though there is a barely functional skee ball game in a cellar beneath a desert butte, just about everything else in this map that cries "carnival" is crying it through jankily constructed carnie rides. Much like real ca

Carnival - Dunkelschwamm

       It's all fun and games here, except for a short walkthrough section at the end. But besides that there are three different games to play and they all give prizes! Be careful pressing that yellow button though. SCMapDB page Author: Kune Date of release: 1999 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Carnival (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 22, 2023 | 3065 characters      Carnival is an action carnival game map. Players play carnival games which revolve around using weapons, fight aliens by using weapons, roam around in an underground playground, take an underground tram ride, and fight more aliens.      Okay, so let's break things down. Things start with three main games: throw a grenade at a perfect arc through three panes of glass to a target (the most challenging as the grenade bouncing back is most likely to harm the players); throw satchel charges into chutes to explode tiny triggers within; and use mounted sniper rifles (with terrible accuracy, wtf?) t

Captured - Dunkelschwamm

       We've been Captured! Now we must escape the prison with the help of Otis and go to Black Mesa I guess? The map is pretty simple and straightfoward with a storyline that screams 'early Sven map'. SCMapDB page Author: pcgamer58 Date of release: 2003 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Captured (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 22, 2023 | 2742 characters      Captured is a pretty simple and functional walkthrough action map. Players fight from a cell through some wacky N64ish-surreal landscapes against soldiers using some pretty boilerplate weapons.      There isn't much to say here. The map doesn't look great, doing the bare minimum to evoke each environment. The indoor areas benefit best from this, but the more natural environments, as mentioned early, really come across as surreal and wacky. Structures exist with little purpose, with wacky random hazards strewn about. It all serves the function of the gameplay.      To that end, the map isn&

Campfire - Dunkelschwamm

       This is a beautiful map inspired by the famous mod (and map set ported to Sven Co-op) They Hunger. It takes place in a forest filled with derelict buildings, now that I think about it I don't think there is a campfire in this map. SCMapDB page Author: cyberdaemon Date of release: 2003 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Campfire (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 19, 2023 | 3387 characters      Campfire is a zombie (and occasionally baby garg) walkthrough map wherein players use limited firearms and mostly crowbars to maneuver through a rural forested area. Explore abandoned houses, rock mines, explosive minefields (??????), and forest while being ambushed by suddenly spawned zombies, headcrabs, gonomes, and baby gargs.      There is a curve to campfire. Early on, players have a handgun with very limited ammo and so spend much of their time crowbarring zombies and, unfortunately, gonomes. In worst case scenarios, you need to crowbar a baby garg. This is espe

Camp - Dunkelschwamm

       This map is less of a fun vacation in the wilderness and more of a flat plane where players fight a bunch of enemies. It's short and straightforward with some interior areas later. SCMapDB page Author: Jose Fung Date of release: 2007 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Camp (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 19, 2023 | 3986 characters      Camp is a walkthrough action map which pits players against HECU while fighting their way from the surface into a science lab to sabotage a big red laser machine. Along the way, things get fucky and players must shoot aliens as well.      Two things struck me almost immediately about this map. First: it's pretty ugly. The outdoor area is big and flat and features a draw distance that many important details (including an enemy apache) hide behind. Indoor areas are better, but only by virtue of cubes of equal quality to that outdoor area more effectively convey indoor areas. Later, some of the lab stuff is very fun looki

Caget - Dunkelschwamm

      Caget is the prototype for another map called CAGED, which if I understand correctly was prototyped in Sven Co-op, made into a mod, and then ported back into Sven Co-op. Regardless of the journey this map has taken, CAGED is now out and is a more complete version of Caget. SCMapDB page Authors: Cayle George, Trempler Date of release: 2003 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Caget (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 17, 2023 | 2425 characters      Caget is a walkthrough map filled with platforming, scraping for weaponry, and then action. In that order.      Begin the map in a cage, which players must cooperate to solve a puzzle to break out. From there players use a wrench and their longjump while navigating platforming. Players then spend time with low weaponry dealing with zombies, turrets, and soldiers in cramped tunnels. Finally, players take on soldiers and aliens while making use of a full standard arsenal.      That later third I mentioned is real

Buro - Dunkelschwamm

    Buro is a prologue to a map series that was never made, which is a shame because it is a beautiful map. The map is very nicely designed bank filled with assassins that ends when players enter the vault. SCMapDB page Author: Alex546 Date of release: 2010 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Buro (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 15, 2023 | 2488 characters      Buro is an action map which takes place in a bank being attacked by special operatives. The players counterattack, intercepting the blackops assassins. Players spawn with random loadouts of useful boilerplate weapons- revolvers or deagles, shotguns or mp5s or m16s or uzis. It adds an annoying bit of spice that makes every spawn awkward.      The map is very form over function. Each room is certainly evocative of a real life location that blackops massns and fassns have been dropped into. Rooms and hallways are often awkward for accommodating multiple players, and progression is mostly linear. There&

Bunker Fight - Dunkelschwamm

      A walkthrough map that is mostly hallways through various rooms. Enemies spawn in big wads right in front of players and we have to chip away at them with revolvers. SCMapDB page Author: Trempler Date of release: 2003 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Bunker Fight (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 12, 2023 | 4164 characters      Bunker Fight is a walkthrough action map with one principle: player vs buff npcs in corridor. I wouldn't say the monsters in this map are overpowered to a gross degree (especially with other maps I've played) but I would certainly call them buff. Maybe even "buff AF".      First of all, this map looks pretty nice. You move through corridors painted as various environments, and I didn't really track the narrative of it as we moved, but it catches the usual Black Mesa bunkery affair with some fun lighting at times. The lighting is an issue at other times, but I'll get to that. The environment does cha

Bunker - Dunkelschwamm

      A fairly standard horde map, Bunker features a bunker from which players and allies can shoot out a the swarms in relative safety. For some reason weapons are outside the bunker forcing players to brave the ocean of enemies outside. SCMapDB page Author: Halgmor Date of release: 2012 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Bunker (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | June 12, 2023 | 2266 characters      Bunker is a defense horde map which features a couple fun toys to keep players entertained.      The main setup is a bunker surrounded by open desert which enemy grunts/robogrunts endlessly spawn into. Within the bunker are some friendly grunts and the aforementioned toys. Across from the bunker is a big room full of weapons with a funny secret shooting range.      The toys are a button which opens and closes the bunker door- great for when you want to invite grenades and bullets into your and your teammates' much shortened lives. There's a couple mounted gu

Building Jumper - Dunkelschwamm

      This map is presented as a platforming map but it actually has quite a bit of combat. The buildings themselves are large and mostly empty boxes with some filled to the brim with a tidal wave of enemies. SCMapDB page Author: HelloTimber Date of release: 2018 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Building Jumper (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | May 29, 2023 | 2987 characters      Building Jumper is a Sven Co-op map which combines high-HP enemies, inconsistent equipment, annoying backtracking, the most frustrating possible platforming puzzles with the highest possible stakes, unclear progression, getting attacked in spawn, being sniped before you have any weapons, and bland blocky visuals. About 1/3 of the way through it I lost all patience with it and cheated. If I had not, I would not have completed it. I should have just abandoned it.      This map requires certain equipment for progression, such as barnacles or longjump, but places these behind time consum

Building - Dunkelschwamm

            Building is a short jaunt through what seems to be some sort of skyscraper filled with human grunts. It's not too difficult and will be over very fast. SCMapDB page Author: Jouko Lehtonen Date of release: 2003 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Building (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | May 29, 2023 | 2784 characters      Building is a straight-forward walkthrough map which pits players against HECU in an office building. It begins with players taking heavy opposition in a lobby while using only pistols, the miniguns the players pick off of the HW grunts from that battle will last them the rest of the map as they ascend to the roof. Pressing the button at the roof's door ends the map.      Most of this map is very standard stuff: wipe out HECU which occupy office floors. They're relentless, which makes the initial battle very difficult. However, the immediate upgrade in weapons trivializes most threats from then on. The map proceeds to

Build Puzzle - Dunkelschwamm

      The map title is a misnomer, there is nothing to build and the puzzles are all platforming challenges. There are 12 challenges in total and all are easily accessible from the spawn room. SCMapDB page Author: Ice Box Date of release: 2010 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Build Puzzle (originally posted on SCMapDB) by dunkelschwamm | May 28, 2023 | 3057 characters      What even is a puzzle map? What does the Sven Co-op community consider a puzzle map? I mean really, it seems whenever a map is considered a "puzzle" map it just means any map where you spend one minute not stubbing your toe on a monster entity. This map includes platforming, gimmicking platforming, trivia, invisible mazes, hidden progression switches, and tests of coordination skill. There's a few problem-solving bits, but overall I feel the majority of this map relies on extreme displays of goldsrc movement mastery over any puzzle-solving skills.      So, sc_tl_build_puzzle_fft_final isn