Break GO: Game Over - GrandmasterJ
Inspired by the very similar Breakfree 1 and 2, in this map players ride an elevator up through some deadly obstacles. Elevators in Sven Co-op are prone to killing players so only the luckiest folks will make it to the end. SCMapDB page Author: Zorak Date of release: 2009 Maps in package: 1 Map review of Break GO: Game Over (originally posted on SCMapDB) by GrandmasterJ | April 29, 2023 | 2321 characters This map was inspired by Breakfree, and right when the map started I thought that maybe I was playing the next map in that series. But no, this map was made by a different author and does a few things differently, but it's also mostly the same. So the whole premise of the map is that players are on an elevator going up through a shaft filled with obstacles. We have lots of rotating brushes that will splatter incautious players and dead players get stuck in a viewing room where they can only watch the live players ...