Break GO: Game Over - GrandmasterJ


    Inspired by the very similar Breakfree 1 and 2, in this map players ride an elevator up through some deadly obstacles. Elevators in Sven Co-op are prone to killing players so only the luckiest folks will make it to the end.

SCMapDB page

Author: Zorak

Date of release: 2009

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Break GO: Game Over

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | April 29, 2023 | 2321 characters

    This map was inspired by Breakfree, and right when the map started I thought that maybe I was playing the next map in that series. But no, this map was made by a different author and does a few things differently, but it's also mostly the same.

    So the whole premise of the map is that players are on an elevator going up through a shaft filled with obstacles. We have lots of rotating brushes that will splatter incautious players and dead players get stuck in a viewing room where they can only watch the live players finish the map.

    Now elevators are finnicky in Sven Co-op and in the original Breakfree my teammate and I would spontaneously explode at random times when we were in no danger. My teammate says it happened to him in this map but I never died once and had a smooth ride.

    When we get to the top we see a friendly scientist and a 'power' button. We kill the scientist and press the button, we get a "map not found 'wired'" message. Upon investigation we believe Wired was a default map at the time and so instead of a game end this map ended up trying to change to a default map. This sucks and means unless we want to download and play Wired next we can't end the map.

    Break Go is pretty good. I really liked the original Breakfree but I had to pan it due to the focus on janky elevators. I don't know what is different here but I didn't get killed randomly for no reason. Maybe that is luck, it definitely is not skill. Besides maybe the elevator being maybe better maybe this map is just a shorter and smaller version of its inspiration. There is some different music and it takes place in a glass tube floating in space instead of a closed off shaft but gameplay wise it is the exact same thing. It's a real bummer the map doesn't have a proper game end.


  • Well executed concept, the elevator didn't murder me constantly
  • fun music
  • killing the scientist at the end is a good reward


  • map doesn't have a proper game end
  • looks slightly worse than the inspiration
  • the map is still based on an elevator, which is prone to blowing players to pieces randomly
Score: 5.5 / 10


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