City - GrandmasterJ


    Fight a neverending horde of enemies in a small city block. The slice of city is very simple with nothing much else to see, although the tallest building is almost entirely destructible and will fall apart.

SCMapDB page

Author: Killer99

Date of release: 1999

Maps in package: 1

Map review of City

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | April 29, 2023 | 2674 characters

    City is a fairly standard arena horde map, this time based on a simple city street. We have some multi-story buildings scaled way down to be simple boxes with only enough room for windows and stairs. Vortigaunts spawn in clumps staggered with clumps of alien grunts and human grunts, who do shoot each other when they spawn in together. The weapon selection isn't bad but it is very medium. We get an mp5, shotgun, crossbow, gauss gun, grenades, and a single satchel charge in addition to the standard pistol, medkit, crowbar.

    The moment the map starts players are taking damage. We spawn in the middle of the street and there are already vortigaunts in front, to the side of, and on buildings above us. I get hit with two bolt before I'm out of the message of the day. Enemies come fast and thick, when we were focusing on killing enemies we managed to keep them at bay somewhat, even if we died frequently. But when I turned godmode on and started poking around the enemies just kept on coming. I think all the monstermakers have high max children limits becuase there were multiple buildings filled with enemies packed shoulder to shoulder.

    There are no other weapons in the map nor is there any ammo, players are stuck with what they have. But because there are so many enemies we die long before having to resupply suicide.

    The map description warns one of the buildings is destructible, and it is. During the firefight it naturally degraded until it was just a series of tall sticks. Enemies kept spawning and most of them come in on top of those sticks, a few pop into existence in mid-air and comically fall to the ground.

    One last thing to note, this map is old, ~24 years old at the time of this writing and the skybox is water. So be careful brushing against the sides of the map.

    As far as arena horde maps go this is fine. I really dislike how players pop into existence in full view of many strategically placed enemies, getting hit first thing in a map is no my idea of fun. Enemies come in droves, I'm not opposed to this but we don't really have the arsenal for this and there is zero ammo in the map. The destructible building was incredibly fun, but once it's gone it is gone and the map has no ending.


  • really fun destructible building


  • players spawn in front of enemies
  • no ammo and a limited arsenal
  • the map spawns a lot of enemies at one time which is hard to deal with considering the lack of ammo
Score: 4.5 / 10


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