City - Dunkelschwamm


    Fight a neverending horde of enemies in a small city block. The slice of city is very simple with nothing much else to see, although the tallest building is almost entirely destructible and will fall apart.

SCMapDB page

Author: Killer99

Date of release: 1999

Maps in package: 1

Map review of City

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | April 29, 2023 | 2198 characters

    City is a horde map wherein soldiers and xenian military (vortigaunts and alien grunts, specifically) are teleported onto a small block with one destroyed building full of soldiers, one strangely shaped building with a sideways vending machine in front of it full of aliens, one near-fully destructible building with lots of soldiers, and one tall building that vortigaunts are always on top of.

    Players are given a few boilerplate weapons to deal with this, but most notable get grenades and a tau gun. Their power really helps prevent any of the enemies from being far too spongey.

    I died quite a bit in this map. There's few places to take adequate cover, and the combination of zaps and bullets and hivehand bees adds up fast. This is likely why I wasn't finding any ammo for the our weapons in the map- it's just presumed you have enough for however long you'll live.

    The mapping here is all adequate for the time. The fully destructible building is actually quite a novelty for the time. There's some really nicely detailed sewage pipes and holes in the ground, though the buildings themselves are a bit plain. The building with sideways vending machine is not very well brushed, and makes very little sense as a structure.

    Overall, I think this map gets boring much faster than its time limit gives it. But, if you're looking for horde maps for a server list, might be able to pad with this.


  • Destructible building is cool
  • Good weapons, especially the tau and explosives
  • Really nice brush work on some pipes and water
  • Definitely is a horde map with lots of fighting to be done


  • Banks maybe a little too much on players passively dying, with no ammo drops and little cover
  • One of the buildings is really weird looking and odd to travel around on top of and in front of
  • Xen and Military working together where their being in combat with eachother would have been exquisite chaos
  • Some of the map is not great lookinig
  • Sorta boring loop before long
Score: 6.2 / 10


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