Black Mesa Defense - GrandmasterJ

    The map description states that this map is a test only, and it definitely feels like it. It's fullbright, filled with standard prefabs, and it all looks and feels thrown together.

SCMapDB page

Author: Tuntis

Date of release: 2005

Maps in package: 2

Map review of Black Mesa Defense

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | April 1, 2023 | 1108 characters

    This map is functional. We start out in a huge room, the map is fullbright so I can see everything. It's full of prefabs. Enemies appear in clumps around the map, we start with M16s and grenades so we make short work of them. Then we climb up a tall ladder and the map ends with neither of us quite know which one of us triggered that or if it was timed.

    The next map is much like the first map, but shorter. It also had a large brick of HEV charger, totally nonfunctional, how mean.

    It's a functional map, it doesn't look good, it was mostly made of random prefabs, the enemies were mostly just haphazardly sprinkled around, and the map end was ambiguous. It works, but not well and not pretty.


  • The map is functional
  • major props to giving players M16s and underbarrel ammo


  • looks awful
  • level design is the bare minimum
  • the nonfunctional HEV charger was a bit mean
Score: 2.5 / 10


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