Wrath - Dunkelschwamm


    Get angry! Wrath is a very simple level, in fact the included screenshot shows about half the level. Also the map description says the vortigaunts are endless but after about ten they stopped spawning in.

SCMapDB page

Author: Robootto

Date of release: 2005

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Wrath

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | January 28, 2023 | 1880 characters

    Wrath is a map by Robootto which contains a vortigaunt spawner, a chamber with four miniguns, and four vertical shafts filled with colored lights which players will fall through consecutively via a teleport trap if they attempt to use one of the few interactable parts of the map. The map is plainly textured, but features a look that leaves quite an impression.

    Indeed, I wanted to play and review this map tonight because of how it caught my eye that RNG's map Disintegration of Time contains a chamber which so resembles this map. If you go to Disintegration of Time's page, one of the first screenshots is actually of the very chamber I'm referring to. It's the same color, roughly the same size, and the grates in RNG's chamber and the windows in Robootto's map line up with the same strange upside-down T shape. I recall playing maps in the past where the two seemingly collaborated, so I have to wonder if Disintegration of Time is referencing this map.

    That's neither here nor there, though. The map quickly loses its value as the miniguns run out of ammo and the vortigaunts stop spawning. The vortigaunts themselves are an extremely limited supply of entertainment, as I was able to easily fell them with a crowbar before touching a minigun without any of them as much as fighting back once. The map is just sorta anemic even for a Robootto release, and its most impressive setpiece is one repeated multiple times (and better) in Robootto's better maps.

    It doesn't even really have an end as far as I can tell.

    Overall, you can skip this one.


  •     Some decent use of color and architecture


  •     It's basically a nothing map.

Score:     1.3 / 10


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