Big Room Guy 2 - Dunkelschwamm


    This map is a nightclub that is locked up tight unless somebody goes through the secret way in and mans the ticket booth. The map has a dance floor with limited music mixing and a few other things.

SCMapDB page

Author: Unknown

Date of final release: 2002

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Big Room Guy 2

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | October 27, 2022 | 3454 characters

    Big Room Guy 2 is a party server map, complete with secret VIP passages and a barrier to entry to ensure exclusivity.

    The map is a very simple club. Players enter into a queue at a gate and a person behind a ticket booth opens and closes it for them. This does have to a player operating the booth from the other side, and the inside of the booth is only accessible from the admin room, so knowledge on how to enter the secret admin room from the waiting area is necessary before the map can really begin. So, I'm going to disclose that here- there is a secret non-tangible wall you can walk through in the spawn area which leads to the admin room. If you really want to ensure this map maintains exclusivity, do what real clubs do and hire bouncers to keep people from using that entrance by body-blocking.

    Once in the club, there are 3 main attractions: the DJ booth, the dance floor, and the VIP lounge. The DJ booth is accessible from a doorway on the way to the dance floor, and within the booth a player can use 6 buttons to lay down dance tracks (even mixing them together) or play sound effects. I think the idea to have players mix their own tracks like real DJs is great, and this is a fine execution of that.

    The dance floor itself is pretty plain. There's a big flat floor for dancing, then two walls lined with bars with taps. There's a very satisfying sound effect when you use the taps, which is just a great fun detail. There's stairs from the dance floor up to the VIP lounge, which hangs over the dance floor. It lends a great air of arrogance, and again, if you have enough people to body block for you you can maintain exclusivity.

    The whole of the map is default textures as far as I can tell, which work fine in this instance. There is a definite atmosphere that works out. The dance floor has an ever-persistent strobe light, which really seemed to irritate my teammate, and may be a bit much for players with photo sensitivity. I wouldn't say that it bothered me that much, but it was about as visually aggressive to me as walking into a fully lit, fully yellow room- that level of just feeling like I'm looking at something aggressively grabbing. Basically, if you're not a fan of strobes, avoid this map. If you think strobes are totally the shit, this map is for you.

    There's also another pathway into the admin area from the VIP staircase. I'm giving all the secrets away! Again, get your bodyblockers if you want to maintain exclusivity! Your power will be democratically secured, not ensured through ignorance!

    I'd recommend this as a hangout map if you can get a bunch of people. It's mostly spacious, so it is definitely meant for lots of people to mingle.


  • Great big dance club with distinct social gathering spaces
  • Awesome music mixing DJ booth
  • Fun secrets and admin area
  • Ticket booth ensures exclusivity


  • The map really can't get started until somebody's cracked the admin code unless the admin's there to open it for them
  • You've gotta really be into the whole exclusivity and ticket booth schtick for having to go back into the ticket booth to let somebody in or out to not get old
  • Strobes are pretty obnoxious
  • The DJ booth could have used better voice samples

Score: 6.5 / 10


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