Base Attack - Dunkelschwamm


    Converted from a standalone mod of the same name, this map series takes players to an underground base that looks suspiciously like Black Mesa to liquidate some obsolete personnel. There is only one map here and it has its ups and downs.

SCMapDB page

Original map author: DAVLevels

Conversion author: Outerbeast

Date of original mod release: 1999

Date of final Sven Map release: 2019

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Base Attack

(originally posted on SCMapDB) 

by dunkelschwamm | October 1, 2022 | 2451 characters

    Base Attack is a pretty well made walkthrough action military map with lots of gunplay, some really interesting architecture I haven't seen since, and a lot of content for one map.

    Players assume the role of some infiltrating force making their way into a military base and blowing up their coolant system. To do that, you must shoot everybody many times. The map starts with some cramped entrance areas. There's some fun destructibles, and the map introduces players to this with a destructible-based puzzle which blows up some characters very satisfyingly. Much of the map revolves around retrieving keycards, which makes some good use of the Sven Co-op inventory system (though, in this instance, I think a trigger based on finding the key object would have worked better).

    Most of this map pits players against military, with the occasional Barney or Otis thrown in. There are also a good number of turrets, both tripods and minigun turrets, and even mounted guns later in the map. There's also a helicopter whose demise is fully optional. For much of this, players are equipped only with a handgun and an uzi, though on occasion are blessed with explosives or a shotgun. The map thankfully has checkpoints for how long it, how unfortunately the third checkpoint is past the shotgun so farewell to the shotgun at that point.

    Overall I'd say the map is brushed and textured quite well for how goofy the setting is. There's a part later on with indoor trenches and a bunch of turrets which is hilarious to think about. But, throughout, it maintains a pretty believable evil base appearance. Later on there's the coolant consoles and coolant chamber and it looks really nice.

Despite the map looking good, having some goofy areas, and having generally I think very balanced firefights, I have little else to say about it. I do recommend it. Pretty decent little map.


  • Big for one map
  • Full action gameplay through a military complex complete with fun sabotage mission
  • Interesting architecture
  • Good lookinng
  • Checkpoints
  • Some creative puzzles


  • A bit easy to get lost in, especially later
  • The apache was just kind of in the way
  • Lots of nonsense rooms in the actual base
  • Some areas are annoying cramped hallways

Score: 7.1 / 10


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