Attack Wave - GrandmasterJ


    There are two waves that attack player spawn, one is 100 human soldiers and the other is 100 aliens. Players are given great cover and are lavished with supplies, making the combat fairly trivial.

SCMapDB page

Author: Cannibal

Date of final release: 2002

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Attack Wave

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | August 21, 2022 | 3387 characters

    This is a very straightforward map, there is a well supplied spawn building, and enemies attack it in two patterns. The first wave of attack is 100 marines and the second is a load of alien grunts, alien controllers, vortigaunts, and gargantuas.

    The map has a couple areas of interest, the spawn area is a two story building with a roof, the roof has a crossbow, floor two has a health station, HEV station, two windows with shutters, one window with a pretty good mounted gun, a storage room with some underbarrel grenades and some other ammo, and another storage room with more ammo. The bottom floor has four storage rooms filled with weapons and ammo, the two nearest the front door have access doors to the tunnels below the map. There is a big button here that turns on the laser fence, I did not turn it on until the end because I somehow did not see it. An elevator that doesn't suck links the two floors.

    Outside is a courtyard with the immediate front of the spawn building fenced in with the laser fence poles. There are three sets of sandbags, enemies spawn behind them. There is a bunker players can also get to from a ground level door and through the underground tunnels, its got a good supply room, a gauss cannon, and a vantage point to one side of where enemies spawn in. There is a tower on the other side of the map players can also get to through the access tunnels or a door, on top is the rocket launcher and a great position to shoot at the garg that eventually shows up.

    The map is designed well, but my teammate and I dominated it. We were supplied so well that we could afford to run out of safety and walk amongst our enemies so we can more intimately shoot them in the face. I only died like three times and two times were from misjudging my own explosives. The enemies also spawned in at a very slow rate, with my teammate on the mounted gun and myself exploring the map was fairly clear. With the early wave my teammate and I were bored. Once the second wave started we could focus on the gargantuas and the alien controllers were always a hassle, but that fist wave was child's play.

    The map is all right. I do enjoy being given all the supplies I could ever want, I especially appreciate the underbarrel grenades. There was no challenge though, two players tore this map up and spit it out, mostly unsatisfied. I think if there had been more enemies at once, or perhaps the arena changed around to give players less advantageous positioning then it would have offered more of a challenge. But I don't think this map was made with a challenge in mind, I bet there are plenty of players that would love a map where they can just dunk on the enemies easily, and that is exactly what this map offers.


  • Tons of supplies
  • lots of very advantageous positions players can go
  • the second wave had some good enemy composition
  • the elevator didn't suck, at least not to me just now
  • that laser fence is pretty cool


  • The first wave of soldiers was pretty boring and went on too long
  • the map offers little to no challenge
  • no ammo for the M16, this is because the map predates the M16's inclusion into Sven Co-op, but still

Score: 5 / 10


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