Trash Xprase Arena - GrandmasterJ


    Jump up a lot of precarious platforms to get to the top. There is no end to this map and sometimes players will spawn at the top, negating the need to platform at all.

SCMapDB page

Author: Robootto

Date of final release: 2006

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Trash Xprase Arena

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | July 10, 2022 | 1554 characters

    I never know how to review platforming maps because I am not a fan of platforming in general. My teammate however is well versed in the arts of first person jumping onto things. He has assured me the climb is probably doable but very difficult. This is already a huge step up for the author, Robootto, whose maps are usually all nonsense.

    The map looks real bad, it has misaligned textures that are not meant to be tiled on the walls, all thrown together haphazardly. The platforms come in all shapes and sizes and later there are rails. Half way up the climb there is an elevator designed to be bullshit and it succeeds at that handily. At the very top of the map is a room with the toonrun cartoon grass texture, a sign with the names of some of Robootto's other maps, and a sign on one side that says "IXA Rules!". There is no map end in this room, also there is a player spawner in this room so there is a good chance players can just spawn at the end of the map.

    If you like difficult jumping maps then give this map a try, it doesn't look great and doesn't have a proper end but it works. Except the elevator, that elevator is designed to be bullshit.


  • It's a (probably) working difficult jumping puzzle


  • the map looks like garbage
  • players can spawn at the end
  • there is no map end
  • that elevator is designed to be bullshit

Score: 3.5 / 10


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