rrrrrrrrr - GrandmasterJ


    There are nine r's. This is a very short map that feels more like a tech demo than anything else. Players fly through arches, throw grenades in holes, and make a face spin, and that's it.

SCMapDB page

Author: CryoKeen (aka Keen)

Date of final release: Unknown

Maps in package: 1

Map review of rrrrrrrrr

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | June 19, 2022 | 1475 characters

    This is a very short map, seemingly unfinished and very light on details. Other than knowing there are nine r's all I can say is that the map starts in a sewer, players activate a sign to get a Stargate SG-1 jumpscare before being launched through a bunch of arches and into a weird alien room with water and grenades. In the wall here are holes, throw the grenades in to reveal a teleport. The teleporter will cause players to telefrag so watch out. After the teleporter press two buttons to make the lady's face spin, it will explode so watch out again. Then at the end the map ends with a note saying as much, 25 seconds later the map ends.

    Nothing really happened in the map. There was one fun spectacle, I really liked flying through the arches. I wasn't as much a fan of the weird faces, I felt like the map could have had a decent atmosphere instead of feeling half-wacky. There wasn't much gameplay beyond throwing grenades in holes. It was ok I guess overall but I wouldn't play it again.


  • Zooming through the arches was really fun
  • I liked throwing grenades into the holes


  • Not a fan of the map's humor
  • light on the gameplay
  • nothing really happens, I mean the map is clearly unfinished and abandoned so this is to be expected

Score: 3 / 10


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