Zombie Pit - Dunkelschwamm


    Zombie Pit is one of those maps where the name really says it all. Maybe the name left out the lava and the fact that there is a teleporter out of the pit but that's about all that the name leaves out.

SCMapDB page

Author: Keen

Date of final release: 2000

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Zombie Pit

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | May 14, 2022 | 1001 characters

    Zombie Pit is an early map out of Keen, and it shows. As is the soft, early prodding of what a playable map can look like. Some beveled brushes loosely imitating naturalistic rock formations suspend freshly spawned players over a fractured earthen arena half-sunk in deadly, glowing, one-hit-kill pasta (or lava, idk). In the lower area the player will find headcrabs, zombies, and a teleporter back up. After moments of play, the zombies and headcrabs fall into the pasta/lava and the action grinds to a halt.

    This is a clear example of an early jab at mapping. There's no real good reason to play it, and it's over immediately after it begins. Keen's later stuff is undeniably better.


  • Can't not like pasta lava


  • The map ends basically as soon as it ends

Score: 2 / 10


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