Pink - GrandmasterJ


    Pink is a brightly colored and garish map with a short platforming section and then a boss fight around a big cup of water. It's very short and has no ending, there is an inaccessible hallway in the last room that does nothing.

SCMapDB page

Author: Robootto

Date of final release: 2004

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Pink

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | May 30, 2022 | 2257 characters

    Pink is a gross looking map that uses a lot of the uncommonly used alien textures. The map looks pretty gross. It starts off with a pretty bad platforming section, there are grenades here you definitely want and some shotgun shells on other platforms, the water here doesn't hurt at all so swimming is harmless. Thankfully the whole section is skippable, I swam to the end of the sequence, climbed onto the last platform and jumped to the end.

    After the platforming players go through a hallway, over a shotgun, past three zombies, down a short slip-n-slide, down a long drop, and into a gross flesh cup of mouthwash. There is a gonarch on the outside of the cup, I think there were other monsters too but I threw all 15 of my grenades around so anything that didn't have boss level health was pulped. It was very hard to get onto the lip of the cup but I got there and was able to take pot shots at Big Momma before it hit me directly with ejaculate and I burst into pieces. I got it on my second life.

    There is no other way down that jumping and taking fall damage. The room is more weird walls behind weird transparent walls, some of the walls overlap resulting in Z fighting. There is a door that does not open and is not breakable with a hallway behind it. We noclipped and discovered the hallway had a breakable door in it with more hallway and door wall at the end. That's the map.

    The map was underwhelming to say the least. It wasn't aggressively bad, I was happy I could skip the platforming and go to the exit and I had explosives to take down the map's boss. Plus I only had to take fall damage after all the combat was over. The map is short and nothing happens, but it is at least interesting to look at.


  • I can skip the platforming section
  • The map has a boss and explosives to deal with it
  • the map is interesting to look at


  • it was really hard to climb onto ledges from the water
  • The last room had especially bad Z fighting and half of a wall was flashing
  • map is overall short and not very sweet

Score: 4 / 10


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