Metal Gate Deathmatch DM Map-2 - GrandmasterJ


    This map's long winded and confusing name is brought to you by Counter-Strike: Nexon, a spin-off of Counter-Strike that focuses on players vs. zombies. Weapons, enemies, and level design are all taken from Nexon and combines into something not quite PVP.

SCMapDB page

Author: Nexon

Date of final release: 2017

Maps in package: 2

Map review of Metal Gate Deathmatch DM Map-2

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | May 14, 2022 | 1977 characters

    This is a map ported over from Counter-Strike: Nexon, a zombie/pvp game with a wide variety of weapons and player models. This particular map is set up like a MOBA, players spawn in two separate spawn zones (but the map is set to deathmatch so players in the same spawn can kill you) and run down corridors to get to a central arena. In this map there is a large green crystal monster with one million health named Get Score! We spent forever killing it and nothing happened. In the corridors there are some infinitely respawning zombies that are very easily killed. Shooting the green crystal thing and killing zombies gets players lots of score. Killing another player nets the murderer one measly point.

    Like other Nexon maps this one has custom weapons and well textured and fun map design. This map set has two maps and both have the same type of gameplay but different map layouts, quasar has more verticality.

    I think the map is a fun idea, I can see a lot of players having fun on this map competing for score. I like the deathmatch aspects with the new weapons, especially the light machinegun, I don't know what it is actually called. Getting score is better achieved by killing enemies, and I think killing the respawning zombies might be a faster way to get score. There is no ammo in the map, so when you run out, you should die and respawn. With two players and the goal of killing the score monster the map was tedious but with more and more dedicated players I can see this being fun.


  • good looking map design
  • fun custom weapons
  • fun custom models


  • combat vs. the monsters in the level is very easy, bland, and boring.
  • killing players should be worth more score
  • when players run out of ammo they have to die to get more

Score: 5 / 10


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