Apache 2 - Dunkelschwamm


    From the maker of the first Apache comes Apache 2, with not one, but two Apaches! There is also a swarm of soldiers present to make things more difficult.

SCMapDB page

Author: Wildcat

Date of final release: 2004

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Apache 2

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | April 4, 2022 | 3080 characters

    Apache 2 is exactly what it says on the tin: An apache, too; as in, two apaches.

    Apache 2 is a small map consisting of a friendly base full of friendly soldiers, ammo caches, and resupplies. Climbing to the roof from a ladder pitches the players immediately against two apaches, but also gives cover in the form of walled structures atop the roof, and a minigun for a good defense in the form a good offense. You can't spend too much time up there, however, unless you have enough people on the ground level making sure Blackops soldiers don't rush the base, kill your soldiers, and make resupplying a ninja nightmare.

    That's really all there is to say about the map. Fighting apaches is pretty tough unless you're supplied to the gills and have a friend alongside you, and this map gives the opportunity for both. Now, dealing with the myriad of Blackops soldiers and two apaches at once meant there was such concentrated fire on me every time I made a move that I could only land one big hit with a rocket launcher or banana grenade before I was taken out during the recovery frames. However, doing that with a friend to whittle the apaches down was low stakes but high energy fun.

    When the apache blew up the screen started fading to black and I wasn't sure what had happened- I had only taken out one of the two apaches. The scoreboard came up and the map ended, so I guess I won? Maybe we lost? I have no idea. *Apache 2!*

    Visually, there's not much to write home about, though I was initially put off by a pretty clunky M16 model replacement of the MP5. The map is by no means ugly, and features that kind of strange G.I. Joe playset mentality for a military base that comes across in a lot of early 2000's Half-Life maps. It's totally functional, though I think the base itself can be a bit cramped at times. Its compact size, however, did allow me to quickly reach every part of my restock quickly, remember the layout in seconds, and control key points of the map without much thought. I have to wonder, though, how cramped and dominated the map would be with more than two players?

    If you're looking for a quick and fun, super simple map to play with a friend in just a few minutes this'll be just right for you. If you want a map in your action rotation, this'll work just as well as any apache map I'm sure- and that's to say quite well and very briefly.


  • Fast-paced action
  • If you thought one apache was apache, just you wait until two apache
  • The player's base is very navigable, and provides lots of interesting cover on the roof
  • I enjoy the inclusion of friendly soldiers


  • Walking out the front door is never not death
  • Map feels a bit claustrophobic, hard to place
  • Ending is abrupt, unclear, thereby unsatisfying
  • Having blackops guys swamp your spawn area before you're restocked is pretty dismal
  • That M16 model tho

Score: 6.3 / 10


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