Alien Fight - GrandmasterJ


    Alien fight is a map about fighting xenomorphs, the aliens from the famous movie franchise Alien. Players go from room to room fighting them in waves.

SCMapDB page

Author: Original Prankster

Date of final release: 2002

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Alien Fight

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | March 11, 2022 | 4581 characters

    The map starts players off in a rough looking spaceship with a nice view of space and four perfectly lined up alien controllers. There is a mounted gun here that is controlled by one half of the nearby terminal, it's a little funky to use. There are three ways to go here, on the left side of the stretched out credits texture is an infantry class teleporter and on the right are demolitions and medic. The way the classes work is that players spawn with nothing, or at least they should, sometimes I or my teammate would spawn with a medkit, but that disappeared for me. The teleporters put players in a room with another teleporter and your classes weapons plus plenty of ammo.

    The class system kind of sucks. Each classes teleporter puts you into the same room, a small room where bullsquids with xenomorph models start spawning in. I thought maybe they spawned forever until we hit a switch or triggered something, and I still kind of think that, but my teammate thinks they stop spawning because we kill a certain amount. The demolition class has a rocket launcher, crowbar (replaced with katana), grenades, satchel charges, and trip mines. None of this is good for close quarters, except maybe the crowbar and its a crowbar. The medic gets a revolver and a medkit, and that is it. I played as medic for a while to help my teammate but it was worthless, we needed to chew through these enemies. The infantry class had shotgun, M16 with grenades, and mp5 with a custom assault rifle skin from Alien. This is the only class worth playing most of the map.

    Eventually the aliens in the first room did stop spawning and we were left trying to figure out what to do next. My teammate spotted some z-fighting (where two solids overlap each other, resulting in their respective textures to fight each other for dominance), started hitting it, and revelaed another small room where xenomorphs started spawning in for a good long while. We spotted the z-fighting textures, broke the next wall and moved on. Repeat for yet another room. It really felt like the number of xenomorphs we had to kill each room got higher each time. The room after that has respawning headcrabs, facehuggers. That room sucked.

    The facehugger room has a teleporter to the final boss arena, which is a very large red tinted room with four xenomorphs with incredibly high health and one giant xenomorph with ludicrously high health. Players spawn behind some sandbags with a mounted turret. When I first entered this room there were some friendly human grunts there and they all got killed immediately. Two of the normal sized xenomorphs were stuck inside each other right next to the turret, so for the longest time we couldn't stay near the turret or they would kill us. This fight was long and tedious, we bunny hopped around the arena, my teammate used the demolition class and I used infantry. Then we would inevitably die, hopefully after dumping all our explosives into them, and do it all over again. We focused first on the big one, then on the two stuck near the turret, this paid off when we finally killed one and I could kite the remaining enemies while my teammate used the very effective turret to kill the rest. I thought maybe the map would end when we killed the big xenomorph so I was trying to kill it before wiping out the regular guys. But we killed all the regular guys first, it didn't matter anyway, the map doesn't end even if you kill the big guy.

    Overall the map was frustrating. Killing endless waves of the same enemy two at a time for an indeterminate amount of time in a small box, dying periodically and having to go through the level to get back again and again. The whole thing was tedious. I think it was the second room where I asked my teammate if he just wanted to give up and review it right then and there. I'm glad we powered through but for a minute I just didn't want to play anymore.


  • Fun custom models,
  • turret in the final arena was very helpful


  • gameplay consisted of fighting the same enemies over and over again in small rooms
  • the path of progression were unmarked breakable walls that we only found due to bad design
  • the class system was limiting, demolition was useless until the last boss and medic is useless
  • facehugger room was a new level of suck
  • final boss was a slog, more health does not equal more fun.

Score: 2 / 10


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