ZS Lastclue Zombie Scenario Map-2 - Dunkelschwamm


    Players spawn in an arena with a big monster labelled "Alien Boss' stands facing a wall. The goal is to kill this boss. Players have some nice custom weapons and zombies begin to infinitely fall into the arena.

SCMapDB page

Author: Nexon

Date of final release: 2017

Maps in package: 1

Map review of ZS Lastclue Zombie Scenario Map-2

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | February 20, 2022 | 3820 characters

    ZS Lastclue Zombie Scenario Map 2 is a conversion of a Counter-Strike Nexon map, I think? I know nothing about Counter-Strike Nexon, and I'm not going to pretend like I know anything I don't. As such, I'll review this map completely on its own terms.

    The map begins with the players in an arena with a massive "Alien Boss" with his back turned. It reminds me of how some Doom maps begin with a monster with its back turned. Shortly after the map begins, the warehouse which houses your arena comes to life as mechanical gears are revealed in the walls and zombies begin falling from open shafts into the arena. The player must then face the alien boss and the zombies at the same time. The zombies keep coming, so keeping their numbers low is a must. The key is to balance this with whittling down the alien boss's health (which begins at a whopping 600,000!) using the ammo you have. Unless you have a ton of players, you're definitely going to be dying and respawning to keep up the ammo necessary to fell the alien boss.

    To defeat these foes you are equipped with a useless mace, a very useful war axe which gibs zombies in a single quick swing, dual pistols which are good for clearing out zombies if you don't want to get up close, and the heavy machinegun which is going to be your main tool for punishing the alien boss. The alien boss and zombies are all melee only enemies who rather slowly saunter toward the player, so as long as you have ranged weapons you can quickly dispense damage. Once you're out of ammo, the odds are good you'll find yourself taken out and waiting over half a minute for a respawn with full ammo. Don't worry- the long respawn times are balanced out with players beginning the map with full HEV and over 100 health. It's fun, especially when players run out of ammo and take on zombie cleanup duty with the axe until they naturally get cornered, still providing a very helpful duty which benefits the players attacking the objective boss. Once the boss is defeated, the map ends with a delightful jingle. It's cute, short, and I think it's worthwhile.

    The zombies, alien boss, map brushes and textures are all really good looking. The zombie sounds were a bit obnoxious at times, but for the most part the sounds are really good too. I guess the credit for these go to the Counter-Strike Nexon team, but they're ported really nicely and work great in Sven Co-op. I don't know if this is faithful at all to the gameplay of Counter-Strike Nexon, but I think it's a really effective execution of what it is.

    At the same time, I think the map ends maybe just a little too long after it gets old. That said, I played with only one other player so I don't know- maybe it's just balanced for higher numbers of players.

    If you're looking to play a zombie horde map with friends, this is is a pretty fun one to check out quickly. If you run a server with arena type maps throw this into the rotation. It's always refreshing to play with totally new monsters and weapons from what Sven usually offers.


  • The Counter-Strike Nexon content is always a treat
  • The concept is simple and works great
  • The scripted weapons are fun to use, especially the axe splattering the zombies
  • Everything looks great
  • The battle flow naturally lends itself to teamwork
  • Everything works, and works well


  • Running out of ammo and having to die to get it back is a bit of a chore
  • There's very little feedback on shooting the boss
  • The map does not shake things up at all throughout. You really do just carve away at a big melee enemy while tiny melee enemies pester you.

Score: 8 / 10


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