ZS Lastclue Zombie Scenario Map-2 - GrandmasterJ


    Players spawn in an arena with a big monster labelled "Alien Boss' stands facing a wall. The goal is to kill this boss. Players have some nice custom weapons and zombies begin to infinitely fall into the arena.

SCMapDB page

Author: Nexon

Date of final release: 2017

Maps in package: 1

Map review of ZS Lastclue Zombie Scenario Map-2

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | February 20, 2022 | 2589 characters

    This map is a simple arena battle. Players are dumped into a pit with a large creature called an "alien boss" it has 600000 health. Zombies will rain down into the arena at set intervals, flooding the area with zombies.

    There are some new weapons in here, the large axe that replaces the pipe wrench is my favorite. It is powerful enough to blow the zombies to pieces and swings much faster than the wrench. The crowbar replacement, a mace, is worthless. The machine gun is the best one, it's the only gun that can really lay sustained damage on the big alien boss. The dual pistols, while cool, don't really do much damage to either the zombies or the alien boss. There is no ammo so when players are out they need to die to resupply. Running up to the boss and hitting them is actually a decent way to do some damage and a pretty good way to send your soul up for a resupply. The boss can be single-minded at times leading to easy rhythms of avoiding its attacks while nailing it in the head. It's not a hard map, it just takes a long time.

    Players start with full HEV and 120 health. I would get hit every now and then but I could weather plenty of hits. Getting caught in a crowd of zombies is still the number one cause of death, but slaps from the side never accumulated faster than my ammunition depleted. By the time I was injured enough to die I was needing a resupply anyway. Respawns took 30 seconds. That was an issue.

    I've played some of Nexon's maps before. They are taken from/inspired by a mod of Counter-Strike called Counter-Strike: Nexon. They all have a theme of zombie hordes and zombies with massive amounts of health, so far this map seems to have done that formula the best. It was a fun arena fight where nice melee weapons can thin the crowd of never ending zombies and with skill the boss can be avoided and killed. I definitely think more players would be better so the map doesn't feel like too much of a grind.


  • Splattering the zombies with the axe was incredibly satisfying
  • I liked the alien boss model
  • Players start with over 100 health and full armor, we could really tank the hits


  • Main fight can be grindy with just two people
  • running out of ammo and having to die was unfortunate, why couldn't there be ammo?
  • respawn timer is at 30 seconds, we have to die for more ammo and get hit with a long wait timer

Score: 7 / 10


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