Alien Battle - GrandmasterJ


    Alien Battle is a simple arena map. Players start in some sort of fort and fight off infinite waves of alien slaves. The map is based off of Starship Troopers according to the map description but it's hard to tell from the map itself.

SCMapDB page

Author: Ttam

Date of final release: 1999

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Alien Battle

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | March 5, 2022 | 1382 characters

    Alien Battle is a very simple arena map. Players spawn in a fun little fort and vortigaunts spawn in continuously and invade the fort. When I first spawned in vortigaunts ran up and started attacking me right away, so that was annoying. Players only have mp5s, no medkit, no crowbars. There was a mounted gun on the front of the fort, it gibbed the vortigaunts instantly and you can maneuver it into a position to kill most vortigaunts the moment they spawn in.

    The map wasn't much really. There is ammo and HEV spread around so killing vortigaunts is never really hard. With two players we dominated the map. The fort has some nice architecture, but the map doesn't leverage that at all. The best place to be is right in front of the gate, there are no weapons or anything else to pick up in the fort besides ammo and HEV. Without better weapons, killing endless vortigaunts became boring.


  • Simple idea executed well
  • the fort was kinda nice
  • the mounted gun melted the opposition very easily


  • spawn gets invaded right off the bat, on map start I was being attacked with the motd still up
  • only mp5s was a weird choice
  • the map got old immediately

Score: 4 / 10


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