Afrika Corps Bonus - GrandmasterJ


    Afrika Korps is a map series about fighting Nazis under General Rommel out of Northern Africa. This bonus mission is more of the same thing. The gameplay is exactly the same.

SCMapDB page

Author: MysticMDT and SiC

Date of final release: 2008

Maps in package: 3

Map review of Afrika Korps Bonus

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | February 20, 2022 | 1679 characters

    Afrikakorps Bonus should probably be included in the main Afrikakorps map set. It's really similar to the first and second main Afrikakorps maps and blends right together with them. The objectives are set up the same exact way, destroy targets, steal documents. The weapons are the same, the arsenal does not grow in the Bonus Mission. Curiously, there is a rocket launcher in this map, but like the other Afrikakorps maps it too will disappear when somebody grabs it. Just like the other maps I died after I picked it up and nobody got to use it at all. It's so incredibly disappointing every time it happens.

    There is some weirdness happening in this map very similar to what I describe in my review of the other Afrikakorps maps. There is an enemy sniper that is near impossible to hit from a certain angle. Bullets seemed to simply not affect his head in the slightest. He also respawned, so when we did find the right angle to take him out he would just reappear anyway. This was an annoyance that wasn't in the other maps.

    This map would fit well alongside the other Afrikakorps maps. Nothing new is done in this map that the other maps in the series don't do.


  • More of the same fun straightforward action
  • A lot of the good I said about the other Afrikakorps maps are true here as well


  • That respawning sniper with the wonky hitbox was a real pain
  • This is the same as the other maps, nothing really feels 'bonus' about this map

Score: 7 / 10


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