Koti - GrandmasterJ


    This map has three rooms, a bedroom, a balcony/bathroom/closet area, and dark hallways that lead nowhere. The map description says as much. This map is very small.

SCMapDB page

Author: Robootto

Date of final release: 2004

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Koti

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | January 22, 2022 | 1133 characters

    Its hard for me to get mad at a map with a description as accurate as Koti. This map is a bedroom connected to dark empty rooms. The bedroom has what appears to be a bathroom complete with a window players can shatter and look outside. There is some sort of game system with a button on top players can use to open and close a cd tray. There is what appears to be a closet door that players can't reach due to the layout of the room. The top bunk is inaccessible due to being too close to the ceiling. The proportions were a little off, parts of the room were too cramped to even stand, and everything besides the room is devoid of anything but random and ill-fitting textures.

    I suppose I enjoyed the cube shaped gaming device somewhat.


  • Fun game systems


  • room is cramped and players can't access some areas.
  • Outside of the room are dark empty rooms
  • generally devoid of anything of interest

Score: 0.5 / 10


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