Fun Waterpark - GrandmasterJ


    Some maps are made for a liner experience, walk through the map while accomplishing objectives/killing dudes. This map opts for the opposite, it is an open map with no objectives to accomplish and nobody to kill. It's a waterpark!

SCMapDB page

Author: FuChSS

Date of final release: 2016

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Fun Waterpark

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | November 28, 2021 | 2616 characters

    This map is all right. There isn't really action or a goal in mind, it's a map to explore and hang out in.

    My first impression of this map was marred by draw distance problems. I was admiring the nicely done water fountains when I noticed I could see around the front wall and see things man was not meant to see. Then I went inside and as I walked the water slides materialized out of thin air as I came within draw distance. This is a shame because I really do like the water slides. The sense of scale should be impressive but gets a big muddled when you can't take if all in. There is plenty of open space so the map could have been made smaller to mitigate this.

    Another problem I had was that things looked somewhat flat. There is one flat texture used for all the non-water slide buildings. A little more time spent using different textures and making the surrounding shops a bit more detailed would have done wonders for the atmosphere. As it stands the map is some well done water slides and then weak looking buildings. There is good architecture in places, the water fountains in particular were pretty good.

    The water slides themselves are very fun. There is a pushing entity inside the slides so once you are in you are forced on a winding slide adventure. Each slide twists and turns a bit differently. You will probably get stuck in about half the slides here unless you crouch and move forward along with the pushing. The architecture is built in such a way that there are areas where the player can stand up and get stuck and parts where the player will snag a ledge and the push won't work.

    The path up to the water slides is kinda ugly. I jumped off to see if it would kill me and it did not, I appreciate that the author made it so that you don't die if you fall off right before getting in the slide.

    There was another slide that didn't have any push entities and I fell down and got hurt.

    This map is fun to hang out in and explore, but lacks much of interest beyond the central water slides. I think I spent less than 10 minutes on this map before wanting to move on.


  • You get what you paid for
  • water slides were fun
  • falling off the slides does not kill you


  • Most of the map is uninteresting
  • the map is large and that causes draw distance issues
  • textures are flat
  • the novelty wears off fast, not enough here to hold interest for very long

Score: 6 / 10


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