8jump - GrandmasterJ


    As suggested by the name, this map has eight chambers of jumping puzzles. Some of the jumping is easy and some is so hard as to be almost impossible.

SCMapDB page

Author: Kataclism

Date of final release: 2005

Maps in package: 1

Map review of 8 Jump

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | December 16, 2021 | 1529 characters

    I'm going to say this upfront, I turned the gravity way down and floated through this map.

    I'm not a big fan of first person platforming so I was not looking forward to this map. I gave the first room a concerted effort though. Unfortunately the first room requires grenade jumping. Without HEV I was dying pretty much every time. My teammate and I were both trying but in the end we decided turning down the gravity was for the best.

    The jumping puzzles are not in order of easy to hard. The first room was near impossible, but the next was very easy. Some rooms are insane, some are easy, some are tedious. If you die you go back to the beginning and have to do all these jumps all over again. I will say this map wins major points for putting a teleport at the bottom of pits. If you miss a jump and fall you usually teleport back to the beginning of the puzzle, although some rooms teleport you at the beginning of the previous room.

    I'm not into platforming, but I don't see how this can be fun for people who enjoy platforming. The grenade jumps are awful without HEV.


  • Pits teleport the player back to the start


  • Lots of grenade jumps and death sets you back at the start.
  • rooms do not ascend in difficulty, first room is probably the hardest, off putting right off the bat

Score: 3 / 10


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