24-hour map (The Suggestion Map) - Dunkelschwamm


    This map was an unusual theme, all features were crowd-sourced suggestions. Despite the name, this map was not made in 24 hours, every 24 hours the author, Keen, would implement a fan suggestion. The result is about as cohesive as you would think.

SCMapDB Page

Author: Keen

Date of final release: 2016

Maps in package: 1

Map review of 24 hour map (The Suggestion Map)

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by dunkelschwamm | November 28, 2021 | 2465 characters

    I don't know if I got all of the secrets in this. I probably didn't. I played about to a point where I didn't have any desire to continue searching, though.

    So, my understanding is that this map was made with a sort of community challenge gimmick in mind where rooms were created in a day using community input to guide the contents. To that end, the chaotic dadaist design of the map makes a bit more sense, often featuring consistent and well-delivered executions of baffling nonsequitur themes.

    The players are given a few decent weapons, but none of this will be of much use against the distorted hazmat monsters which plague the path to the "exit" of the map. These enemies have incredibly hard to pinpoint hitboxes, and I was so fed up with them that I defaulted to using the barnacle weapon and tanking damage to actually kill them. It was a miserable time fighting these. Other monsters in the map, however, are interesting and fun to fight, especially a large skull boss.

    It's worth mentioning that this map does also include some kind of softcore illustrated furry porn. If you're into that, I guess look forward to it. If you're not, keep in mind that that's something you may run into as you play.

    The nature of the secrets in this map are jokey and I guess not too frustratingly hidden, but playing it feels a lot like I'm experiencing the injokes of a mapper and his friends that I'm not in on, so a lot of the humor falls flat for me. Unfortunately, I think that's where a lot of the charm is, so if you're not part of the niche which enjoys the mapper's humor you might have as much trouble connecting with this as I did.

    Well made for what it is, but I probably won't play it again.


  • Lots of fun brushwork and varied design.
  • The gimmick that got this map made is interesting.
  • The surreal, dadaist design of the map is something I always enjoy seeing in Goldsrc.
  • Some really unique setpieces that are genuinely interesting to traverse, especially the room with the ladder walls.


  • Most of the best content is hidden behind secrets.
  • Most of the best jokes are hidden behind community context.
  • The most common monsters in the map are a pain in the ass to fight.
  • Actually playing is a bit of a grind.

Score: 4.6 / 10


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