Splatter of Matter - GrandmasterJ


    The map description says 'jump around on steel beams' and it certainly looks like that in the screenshot, but there is a minimum of jumping. Walk up the beams to the top, explore dead end hallways, and maybe jump to your doom.

SCMapDB page

Author: Robootto

Date of release: 2005

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Splatter of Matter

(originally posted on SCMapDB)

by GrandmasterJ | February 11, 2023 | 1370 characters

    I was afraid this was going to be a hardcore climbing map, but it's really not. The whole map is one big room with a series of metal bars connecting platforms in the corners. There is no jumping around needed, just balancing on the bars is enough.

    The way the map is laid out, there is a hallway at each corner of each landing, enticing the player with no less than 12 dead ends. At the top there are actual rooms down these hallways but only one door opened and it only had shotgun shells. One other room had shotgun shells as well but the other rooms had nothing.

    I will also mention that players spawn in the middle of a ring of weapons, its a good selection but we have nothing to use it on.

    That's the map. There is nothing at the top of the map, no objective and certainly no map end. At least I didn't have to do difficult platforming to find all that out.


  • I'm real glad I could explore that map without difficult platforming segments
  • interesting level layout
  • good weapon selection


  • no objective, nothing to really do, no level end
  • lots of level design that seems to draw players in only to reward them with nothing
Score: 3 / 10


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