Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - GrandmasterJ


    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory shares its name with a movie and a book but not much else. The map is a large white courtyard surrounded by white buildings and only one path of seeming progression.

SCMapDB page

Author: Robootto

Date of final release: 2005

Maps in package: 1

Map review of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

(originally posted on SCMapDB) 

by GrandmasterJ | December 11, 2021 | 1511 characters

    I accidentally had high hopes for this map. To say it didn't meet those expectations is a huge understatement.

    The map is a big courtyard with a bunch of high powered weapons and a hive hand in the middle. This is the best part of the map because if nothing is going to be going on at least give the players some rockets. There is one enemy, a zombie, that respawns. It's not particularly tough and faces away from the player's approach so its very easy to kill.

    The point of the map is to get up on top of the building, jump behind a gate, and then press the button to reveal the factory. You can't go in the factory, you just get to look at it. Also you can't get back out from behind the gate so its either die or change the map. I usually dislike infinitely spawning enemies but when the zombie dies 20 times and is gone forever and the factory is revealed there is nothing left to do.

    Oh, also the map design has weird proportions, there are two warehouses in the map and you have to walk around one and see that it's an empty facade to get to the factory reveal button. A good mapper would hide this somehow, in this map it is a feature.


  • High powered weapons available from the get go
  • There is at least one enemy


  • Looks very ugly
  • big reveal is a let down

Score: 1 / 10


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